"A TEA STALL" paragraph for class Six to Ten(6-10)


Tea Stall
A Tea Stall

A tea stall is a small shop where ready tea with some dry foods is served to the customers. It is found in marketplaces, at railway stations, launch ghats and every turn of roads and highways. It is also found around offices, near hospitals, around mills and factories as well as educational institutions. It is furnished with a few tables, chairs or long benches. It is neither gorgeous nor luxurious. It is rather an ordinary shop. There is a cash counter where the owner or manager sits to handle the cash. Biscuits, cakes, bread, bananas, betel leaf, cigarettes, etc. are sold here. One or more boys are employed here to serve tea to the customers. It opens early in the morning and closes at late night. So, people can have tea there any time. Passengers, rickshaw pullers, officials, laborers, passersby, students, political workers are the customers in a tea stall. The customers come to a tea stall for tea, gossiping and relaxation. Someone reads the newspaper; others discuss politics and other matters. Sometimes people raise a storm over a cup of tea. A tea stall is an important place because it is the most common haunt for the weary travelers, the tired office assistants, laborers, rickshaw pullers and the students. As it is visited by people of all age groups and of all walks of life, it should be neat and clean.

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